Data Engineer

23500-26900 PLN miesięcznie (B2B)


Czym będziesz się zajmować?

  • Material Control and Planning - Material quality unit on VCE plants needs a tool to check which material is available for the production. This check is regularly facilitated to make weekly planning.
  • We aim to improve the material management system. In this context, we would like to trace the material at the production level and make the right ones available on time.
  • The supplier sustainability scorecard - We aim to prepare a power bi report that includes carbon footprint measurement, carbon footprint commitment to reach Net Zero, MDS commitment, conflict minerals campaign, reach compliant, SAQ, and ISO 14001 standards.
  • Bill of Material - The need is to define the parts that are needed to build a machine. We aim to trace the material at the machine level which is integrated with the Windchill.
  • Battery plant analytics - A new battery plant has been established. The plant will be integrated into our VCE production system and it needs to be integrated to analytical system.

Kogo poszukujemy?

  • Strong SQL is a must
  • Python
  • C# would be nice: as Azure Function in python could have limited functionality
  • Knowledge of databases, data modelling
  • Azure stack:
  • Fundamentals (storage, orchestration, security concepts, etc)
  • Databricks

Czego wymagamy?

  • Polski
  • Angielski

Jakie warunki i benefity otrzymasz?

  • 140-160 PLN godzinowo (B2B)
  • B2B - Elastyczne godziny pracy (100%)
  • Praca zdalna: Możliwa częściowo
  • Budżet szkoleniowy, Szkolenia wewnętrzne, Wyjazdy na konferencje
  • Pakiet medyczny, Ubezpieczenie, Pakiet sportowy

Gdzie będziesz pracował?

Legnicka 16, Wrocław lub hybrydowo

Kim jesteśmy?

Avenga brings personalization to digitalization. Feasible, grounded in reality, and tied to the client’s business goals, our digital strategy services generate commercial value with custom-tailored digital transformation strategies.