Technical Rollouter (Radio Systems)

18100-21300 PLN miesięcznie (Umowa o pracę)


Czym będziesz się zajmować?

  • Software Installation, Integration and Commissioning: Responsible for the proper installation, integration and commissioning of software systems in projects related to radio and IT systems. These activities can be performed both remotely and on-site.
  • Supplier and Subcontractor Support and Monitoring: Engaging in the support and monitoring of suppliers and subcontractors involved in construction to ensure all sub-components are properly integrated into the overall system and ensure smooth operation.
  • Bug Detection, Repair, Maintenance and Network Integration: Responsible for performing bug detection, repair, regular maintenance and network integration activities to ensure continued functionality of systems.
  • Documentation and Maintenance of Results: Maintaining integration, compatibility and system test results in project documentation and implementation tools to ensure comprehensive and accurate project documentation.

Kogo poszukujemy?

Currently, our client is looking for a person for the position of Technical Rollouter (Radio Systems Software Installation and Integration Specialist) who will work in Germany in one of three locations: Berlin, Ulm or Sulzbach.

Czego wymagamy?

Mile widziane:
  • Angielski
  • Niemiecki

Jakie warunki i benefity otrzymasz?

  • 4000-4699 EUR miesięcznie (Umowa o pracę)
  • Umowa o pracę - Elastyczne godziny pracy (100%)
  • Praca zdalna: Możliwa częściowo
  • Budżet szkoleniowy, Szkolenia wewnętrzne, Klasy językowe
  • Pakiet medyczny, Ubezpieczenie, Pakiet sportowy
  • Kawa / Herbata, Zimne napoje, Obiady
  • Parking

Gdzie będziesz pracował?

Center, Ulm lub hybrydowo

Kim jesteśmy?

Secure Land Communications is our client's program line covering advanced communication solutions, among others, in the areas of public safety, defense, transport and industry. They offer their customers around the world a comprehensive range of radio and IT solutions for mobile and tactical communications. This includes the implementation of nationwide security radio networks, such as the Digital Government Radio of the Federal Republic of Germany. Currently, approximately 220 people are employed at the headquarters in Ulm and two other locations in Berlin and Sulzbach (Taunus).