Fullstack Developer (Java + Angular)
30200-31100 PLN miesięcznie (B2B)
Czym będziesz się zajmować?
Consultant will join one of the Corporate Channels - Business unit with allocation to SME Digital Hub – agile development Hub, shaping and delivering digital services focused on smaller and less complex business banking customers. The team is concluding delivery of a new common Nordic business banking web platform serving business banking customers in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway and has initiated delivering the digital banking services of the future.
Consultant will be part of a dedicated agile team and part of a digital Hub located mainly in Warsaw. The role involves participating in the digital development journey, from shaping technical solutions to developing them and contributing to the continued running of the platform, which includes both web and mobile.
Kogo poszukujemy?
Frontend skills (senior or better):
- JavaScript, TypeScript,
- Angular 2+, Sass
Backend skills (senior):
- Java 11+, Rest API and microservices
- Spring Boot, Hibernate, Git, Maven, Jenkins, Oracle DB / SQL, Junit5, IntelliJ, Splunk,
- Knowledge of reactive programming.
Common mandatory skills:
- Experience in test automation and performance/unit/integration testing
- Knowledge of SOLID principles
- Fluency in English - speaking and writing
Czego wymagamy?
- Polski
- Angielski
Jakie warunki i benefity otrzymasz?
- 180-185 PLN godzinowo (B2B)
- B2B - Elastyczne godziny pracy (100%)
- Praca zdalna: Możliwa częściowo
- Budżet szkoleniowy, Szkolenia wewnętrzne
- Pakiet sportowy
- Kawa / Herbata, Zimne napoje
- Parking, Parking rowerowy
Gdzie będziesz pracował?
Centrum, Warszawa lub hybrydowo